About Dino Hsu
Dino Chih-Chun Hsu is a postdoctoral researcher at Northwestern CIERA, working with Prof. Jason Wang. Before arriving at Evanston, northern Chicago, Dino obtained his Ph.D. in Physics at UC San Diego, where he worked with Prof. Adam Burgasser on the kinematics, rotation, and multiplicity using the near-infrared high-resolution spectroscopy including Keck/NIRSPEC and SDSS/APOGEE.
Originally from Taiwan, Dino got his B.S. in Physics at National Tsing Hua University. He was a former member of the Astronomy Club, where he enjoyed star-gazing with friends there at nearby mountains.
Outside of research, Dino is a huge fan of coffee, particularly brewing pour-over coffee. He also likes classical and pop music, karaoke, tennis, and watching NBA. He used to play the flute (including the Chinese flute) and sing in a choir during high school.
Physics Ph.D., UC San Diego
Physics B.S., National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Research Interests: lowest-mass stars, brown dwarfs, exoplanets; medium-/high-resolution spectroscopy, stellar kinematics, very low-mass binaries, stellar/planet rotation, stellar/planet abundances